New York Times Malvertising Cyber Attack

In December 2011, the online retail and outdoor equipment company,, was breached and the personal credit card and debit card data of approximately 250,000 customers was stolen.

In July 2015, Ashley Madison, which is an adult infidelity website, was targeted by hackers who threatened to release sensitive data about their customers if the site wasn't shut down. In August 2015, the hackers released 25 gigs of very sensitive data about 37 million Ashley Madison members including dates of birth, email addresses, ethnicity, ...


In April 2014, AOL became aware of a cyber breach after their members complained of frequent spam from a particular email address. AOL reported that approximately 2% of the tens of millions of AOL accounts was affected by the breach.

Android Forum Android Forum

In October 2011, a website for an Android Forum was hacked, which resulted in approximately 745,000 dates of birth, email addresses, Instant Messenger IDs, IP addresses and passwords being stolen and published .

America’s Thrift Store America’s Thrift Store

In September 2015, the third-party payment provider used by America's Thrift Store, a charity store, was hacked by a malware-based security breach that resulted in in the theft of an undisclosed number of customer credit card and pin information.

In March 2015, 000webhost, which is a free web hosting service, was the victim of a data breach. Hackers stole and sold more than 13 million customer records including names, email address, IP addresses and passwords before 000webhost was even made aware of the hack.

The Fappening The Fappening

In December 2015, The Fappening, which is a popular forum to discuss leaked naked celebrity photos, was breached and approximately 179,000 member accounts were compromised including information about the user's email addressees, usernames and passwords.

In February 2016,, com, which is a dating website, was breached and more than 27MM member information was disclosed including dates of birth, habits, education levels, email addresses, passwords, personal descriptions, income levels and job titles.

Internal Revenue Service Internal Revenue Service

In May 2015, hackers flooded the tax agency’s online “get transcript” tool. After an extensive, nine-month review of the incident, the IRS revealed that approximately 724,000 taxpayer records were accessed, which were then used to claim refunds conservatively totaling more than $50 million.

Anthem Anthem

In February 2015, Anthem, the second-largest health insurer in the U.S., revealed that its customer database had been breached. Stolen data included names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and employment histories.

Home Depot Home Depot

In 2014, the same Russian hacker organization that hit Target the year prior breached Home Depot's credit card system and gained access to 56MM credit and debit card numbers and pins using a sophisticated malware software that went undetected by Home Depot for many months.

Target Target

In mid-December 2013, hackers gained access to 70 million Target customer’s credit and debit card information as well as personal information including names, mailing addresses, email addresses and phone numbers.

Adobe Adobe

In October 2013, 153 million Adobe active and inactive accounts were breached. Hackers were able to access approximately 38 million accounts with sensitive data including email addresses, passwords and usernames and 3 million of those accounts also contained credit card information.

Information Sold from Lead Forms Information Sold from Lead Forms

Lead forms were designed to provide a company with information about a potential customer so that when the two connect, the company can provide exceptional customer service to a person that they know is more qualified and more-than-likely ready to purchase. If a company is unable to convert that customer into a sale or if ...

Lead Forms on the Internet Lead Forms on the Internet

Lead forms are typically used by companies who want to get information about a person who is interested in the goods or services that they offer. Lead forms are a way to determine who may be a qualified customer now or in the future. Although the use of lead forms are an established practice for ...

Reputation Damage Control Reputation Damage Control

When discussing the major brands and companies that have experienced potentially destructive problems for their real-life and online reputation management, the list is long. Going back to the Industrial Revolution (and before), those corporate entities that could have benefited by some type of reputation management include: British Petroleum, Volkswagen and Jack-in-the-Box. But it’s no shorter ...

Proactive Reputation Management Proactive Reputation Management

Warren Buffet once said, “it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” It used to be that a company or person only needed to worry about the relationships they actually had with people, which were based on actual transactions and experiences. Now that we’re in the Internet age however, ...

Copyright Protection Copyright Protection

Formal copyright protection is the best way to protect an original writing or work of art that you create and publish online, but there are easier ways to protect yourself and your creations that you should be aware of as well.