21st Century Oncology revealed that the FBI discovered a breach of their patients' records, which resulted in patient names, Social Security Numbers, addresses, insurance info, and diagnosis and treatment info getting in the hands of third party.
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In July 2013, someone broke into an Advocate Medical Oncology Group office and stole four laptops that contained access to more than 4 million patient files dating back to the 1990s. The breach resulted in patient names, addresses, SSN and other info being compromised.

Affinity Health Plan disclosed that the electronic personal health information of more than 409,000 patients was improperly disclosed when the copier machine they were leasing was returned to the company without first being wiped.

A popular Chinese email service called 126 was breached in 2012, which resulted in the compromise of subscriber's email addresses, personal data, and passwords.
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In March 2015, 13 million user records contained in OOOWebhost's database was breached, which resulted in the compromise of names, email addresses, IP addresses and passwords.

The photo sharing and video streaming app, 17, was breached in April 2016 and user's names, email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses and info on user's phones were compromised.

Chinese gaming site, 7K7K, was breached in December 2011 and 20 million user accounts were effected. user names, email and passwords were all compromised.

Following Equifax’s announcement earlier this month that data from 143 million people – almost half the U.S. population – had been compromised in a security breach, consumers across the country are undoubtedly concerned about the long-term impact of the attack. Whether your information was breached or not, there are steps you can take to safeguard ...

Major credit reporting bureau Equifax announced in early September that personal data for 143 million people – nearly half the U.S. population – had been exposed in a monstrous security breach. Since that announcement, the company has come under fire from Congress, consumers and attorney generals throughout the country for its poor attention to detail ...

In early September 2017, Equifax, one of the three nationwide credit reporting bureaus, announced that as many as 143 million Americans had been compromised after a cybersecurity breach that allowed access to sensitive information.

The breach notification site, Leaked Source (www.leakedsource.com), announced on October 20, 2016 that they notified the web design firm, Weebly (www.weebly.com), that 43,430,316 of Weebly’s user’s data had been hacked. On October 21, 2016, The International Business Times reported that a Weebly spokesperson responded by saying, “At this point we do not have evidence of ...

Yahoo! announced on September 22, 2016 that in 2014 their server was hacked and 500 million user accounts were compromised. The hacker gained access to user names, email addresses and passwords, telephone numbers, and dates of birth.

CNN is reporting that they have confirmed that Russia is behind the hack into the DNC email server and a recent cyber breach on NY Times' journalists.

Home security company, Vivint, recently sent out pass code change confirmation letters to the wrong customers. One customer, who never requested a pass code change, received multiple notices for other customers.

Reputation management firms are used to combat bad content written and ranking on the Internet about a person or company. Sometimes this process can be handled in-house, but sometimes it's just easier to hire a firm with this expertise.

There is no rule or law that a live website be secure and, in fact, most of the websites that we visit online, in a day, are not secured, which means that any information you provide while using that website may be vulnerable. There are a number of ways to determine whether a website has ...

Malvertising is a relatively vague and unknown cyber security issue, which is hidden in advertisements places on the websites we frequent every day. Malvertising has not only increased in popularity over the years, but also affects millions of unsuspecting consumers and companies every year without their knowledge.

Hundreds of Spotify members' information was posted on the online forum Pastebin on April 23, 2016. Spotify denies any cyber breach and some speculate that the data dump is actually connected to an old cyber breach.
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