
In February 2012, a hacker breached the adult website YouPorn through a third party service used by YouPorn called YP Chat, which operated the chat feature on the website according to YouPorn’s parent company. It was initially reported that more than 1.3MM user accounts were accessed in the breach; however, YouPorn corrected reports saying that it was only actually around 6,500.

YouPorn’s VP of Operations was quoted as saying:

The investigation revealed that poor security practices resulted in YP Chat’s unencrypted daily user logs being left in an unsecured public directory. As the logs maintained daily records, users that accessed their YP Chat accounts on a recurring basis would have their activity appear in countless log files. This resulted in some media outlets over inflating the number of affected users, where in actual fact the number of unique users affected was several thousand, not millions.

The hacker posted the breached data, which included usernames, passwords and email addresses, on Pastebin, which is a popular website for hackers.

The need for security by all persons is obvious and costs millions each year. However, acquiring successful security safe from hackers who have expertise in operating internationally for decades, and operating with high tech tools, has proven a fail. Nonetheless, every business and individual must exert full diligence in the security search and application of precautions.

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*Cyber breach data provided by Have I Been Pwned

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